Depiction of Turner ’ s Rebellion in Southampton County , Virginia , 1831 . In the wake of that event , many Southern states passed laws regulating the lives of both slaves and free Blacks . By 1859 , free people of color could not own establishments that sold liquor , such as coffee houses , billiard halls or retail establishments .
Library of Congress blacksmith enterprise realizing $ 1,500 in sales . No information is available regarding his competitors of either race , but his personal and realty holdings identified in 1860 indicate he was one of the wealthiest FPCs in South Carolina .
Richard Holloway of Charleston , in addition to his carpentry business , had a rather unique sideline ; he trained slaves in his craft for their master ’ s benefit , and one even stayed with him for four years beginning in 1829 . Free Black craftsmen also trained their families , thereby allowing their businesses to exist as “ going concerns ,” which could sustain future generations . Holloway and his family not only practiced carpentry , but also manufactured harnesses ; the Ingliss ’ would supply a family of barbers to Charleston ; the Ellisons of Stateburg , South Carolina , were cotton gin manufactures up to the Civil War . Richard and Joseph Dereef , wood merchants and factors ( lenders ), with Richard considered one of the wealthiest FPCs in Charleston , were considered “ men of great business habits ” and highly influential .
Free Charlestonians serviced the hospitality industry , too . Eliza Lee , owner of the Mansion Hotel located on Broad Street , hosted the elite of the city . Apparently , it had a reputation for superb cooking and good management . The “ Antique and Mixed ” architecture of Jehu Jones ’ “ Jones Hotel ,” coupled with its convex windows , is said to have been situated on prime real estate being located ( also ) on Broad Street next to the famous extant St . Michael ’ s Church . Established in the early 19th century , the hotel , like Lee ’ s , attracted the elite given it “ was unquestionably the best in the city .” Visitors could expect to find “ the comforts of a private house ” along with a “ table spread with every luxury the country could afford .”
The concept of insurance and how risk management associations would serve the needs of African Americans into the
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