4 The Ticker
Museum launches Nasdaq 50th anniversary exhibit , hosts first-ever virtual Gala and awards scholarships to four Museum Finance Academy students .
4 Message to Members
By David Cowen , President and CEO
11 Educators ’ Perspective
Wild West Finance : Buffalo Bill Cody ( Part 1 ) By Brian Grinder and Dan Cooper
23 Financial History Trivia Quiz
38 Book Reviews
The Kidnapping Club : Wall Street , Slavery , and Resistance on the Eve of the Civil War , by Jonathan Daniel Wells .
Reviewed by James P . Prout The New Map : Energy , Climate , and the Clash of Nations , by Daniel Yergin . Reviewed by Gregory DL Morris
The Nasdaq Bunker-Ramo data center , 1971 . Nasdaq celebrated its 50th anniversary on February 8 , 2021 . See article , page 6 .
Collection of the Museum of American Finance
Peter A . Cohen , Chair Andover National Corporation
Andrea de Cholnoky , Co-Vice Chair Golden Seeds
Karen Seitz , Co-Vice Chair Fusion Partners
Robert Muccilo , Treasurer Consolidated Edison
Alvi Abuaf Motive Partners Private Equity
Gregory Bauer Moody ’ s
Marcy Cohen ING Americas
David J . Cowen , President / CEO Museum of American Finance
Sanford Crystal Crystal & Company
Lawrence A . Cunningham The George Washington University
John P . Davidson III OCC
Peter Davis EY
Charles Elson , Advisory Trustee University of Delaware
Eileen Fahey Fitch Ratings
Adam Goldstein Vettery
Martha Clark Goss American Water Works
Cory Gunderson Protiviti
Bradford Hu Citi
Carol Kaimowitz Retired Insurance Executive
Myron Kandel CNN
Glenn Kaufman Kaufman Family LLC
Ranch Kimball Glorious Cahoots Capital Partners
Mitti Liebersohn Avison Young
Consuelo Mack WealthTrack
Joseph Mecane Citadel Securities
Elizabeth O ’ Melia S & P Global Ratings
Chris Perry Broadridge
Brad Peterson Nasdaq
Verne O . Sedlacek Financial Services Executive
Mark Shenkman Shenkman Capital Management , Inc .
David L . Shuler itBit
Maria Smith Smith Affiliated Capital ( SAC )
Richard Sylla New York University
Saul Van Beurden JPMorgan Chase
Charles Wait The Adirondack Trust Company
John E . Herzog , Chairman and Trustee Emeritus
www . MoAF . org | Winter 2021 | FINANCIAL HISTORY 3