Financial History 137 (Spring 2021`) | Page 7


Spring and Summer MoAF Events Continue in Virtual Format

The Museum saw a four-fold increase in event attendance in 2020 , thanks largely to its ability to reach viewers around the country and throughout the world via its virtual programming . And while members and supporters look forward to a safe return to in-person or hybrid programming , perhaps as early as the fall , the Museum will continue to host a wide range of virtual events throughout the summer .
The 2021 virtual event series launched in February , with most programs offered in partnership with the Fordham University Gabelli School of Business and the CFA Society New York . Highlights from the spring season include a conversation with Wall Street legend Peter Cohen , interviewed by CNBC Senior Markets
John Wasik speaks on Lincolnomics on April 20 , 2021 .
Correspondent Bob Pisani ; a book talk by legendary economist Dr . Henry Kaufman ; a presentation by prolific author John Wasik on his ground-breaking research on Abraham Lincoln ’ s economic and entrepreneurial contributions to America ( see article , page 20 ); and a three-part series on women in investment management , titled “ Hidden In Plain Sight ,” which ran on three consecutive Thursday evenings in April . Most programs are available for viewing on the Fordham and Museum websites following the live sessions , and many of the author events are televised on C-SPAN ’ s Book TV .
This summer , the Museum will also re-introduce programming in partnership with the New York Public Library , beginning with a financial literacy-based workshop with award-winning author Neale Godfrey on August 3 .
Events are added weekly to the Museum ’ s website , and all programming is currently offered at no charge . Registration is required to receive the Zoom link prior to each program . Please visit www . moaf . org / events for a list of upcoming programs and to register .
www . MoAF . org | Spring 2021 | FINANCIAL HISTORY 5