Financial History 25th Anniversary Special Edition (104, Fall 2012) | Page 11

MUSEUM NEWS   THE TICKER Museum Observes 25th Anniversary With Thought Leadership Symposium This month marks a significant milestone in financial history, as well as the Museum’s own history, as we observe the 25th anniversary of the Crash of 1987 and the founding of the Museum. The market Museum’s Advisory Board, William Harrison and Henry Kaufman, have provided their thoughts on lessons from the past 25 years and the future of finance in the collection of essays entitled “Restoring the Faith of Investors” (see page 17). Also in this issue, our chairman, Dr. Richard Sylla, David J. Cowen  |  President and CEO explains the power of finance and the relevance of financial history in our everyday crash on October 19, 1987 and the media’s lives (see article, page 24). He provides a response in the tumultuous weeks that folrationale for finance museums throughout lowed emphasized to finance professional the world, and the Museum of American and historical document collector John Finance in particular, and reveals why Herzog the general lack of knowledge today — 25 years after its founding — the about financial history, and inspired him Museum’s mission is more important to found the Museum (see article, page 4). than ever.  To mark this important occasion, the Museum has organized a thought leadership symposium, to be held at the New York Stock Exchange on October 19, where senior level financial executives and industry association leaders will gather to discuss solutions for re-establishing the financial industry’s credibility amongst the investing public. It is an increasinglyimportant topic at a time when the words “finance” and “banking” have developed negative connotations, and the public has become skeptical of the importance of financial services and innovation. In this special 25th anniversary edition of Financial History, two of the keynote speakers from our anniversary event, Duncan Niederauer and Jack Bogle, as well as two other members of the OCT 1896 The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) begins continuous daily publication. © Bettman n/CORBIS Message to Members OCT 19 1987 Daily News headline from the Crash of 1987. The Crash of 1987 occurs, as the Dow loses 508 points, or 22.6%, to close at 1738.74. By day’s end, analysts predict a severe recession.  |  Fall 2012  |  FINANCIAL HISTORY  9