Financial History Issue 115 (Fall 2015) | Page 10

THE TICKER  MUSEUM NEWS Museum Expands Digital Content Offerings on YouTube Channel and Website By Chris Meyers, Director of Education Digital media has become an integral part of public information and education. The Museum’s mission is to exhibit artifacts for the public, not to become an artifact itself. Therefore, we are embarking on a new plan to utilize digital media and current social network platforms to extend the reach of the Museum’s programs beyond its physical walls on Wall Street. As you may have noticed, we’ve begun to actively post new videos on our YouTube channel and website. These videos showcase visiting lecturers and prominent authors discussing financial topics relevant to current public discourse. Recent videos include: • Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel laureate, on the Greek bailout, Trans-Pacific Partnership and US inequality • Nathaniel Popper, New York Times reporter, on the rise, growth and future of Bitcoin in our modern financial system • Bethany McLean, best-selling author, on why mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac are still owned by taxpayers, why several interest groups want to “kill” them and how seven years after they were taken over, their future is still uncertain These videos provide valuable information the public can use to make informed decisions about how these issues impact their lives. The video segments each cover a specific topic and are no more than 10 minutes long, making them better suited for today’s busy viewers. Playlists are also available for viewers interested in watching the full presentations. In addition, keyword tags enable the videos to be found easily in basic search results. To check them out, Google “MoAF Stiglitz” (for example) or visit the Museum’s YouTube channel at FinanceMuseum or website at www.moaf. org/videos. Viewers interested in receiving notification when new videos are posted may subscribe to our YouTube channel, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter (@FinanceMuseum).  UPCOMING EVENTS Nov 3 Walking Tour: History of Wall Street. 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. $15 includes admission to the Museum and the Lunch and Learn with Jason Zweig. Nov 3 Lunch and Learn Series: Jason Zweig on The Devil’s Financial Dictionary. Talk followed by Q&A and book signing. 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. $5 includes Museum admission; members and students free. Nov 11 Berkshire Ha