Financial History Issue 118 (Summer 2016) | Page 10
MoAF Hosts “Museum Hack: Wall Street Edition”
Event for Aspiring Financiers
By Kristin Aguilera
On July 13, the Museum co-hosted a
networking event and cocktail reception
with Museum Hack, an organization that
provides interactive game-based museum
experiences. The event attracted a crowd
of more than 75 Wall Street interns and
emerging professionals, who learned
astonishing finance facts and the seldom
heard gossip behind America’s financial
system and its founding father through a
series of interactive tours and games.
Museum Hack tour guide Anna Bianco
said her team created 20-minute mini tours
of the collection that focused on the wacky
stories behind some of the most visually
stunning objects the Museum has to offer.
“We dished dirt on everything from
gold bars to gold toilets, culminating in
a group game that encouraged guests to
estimate the value of some of Sidney
Mobell’s stranger creations and compete
for a fabulous prize from the Museum
Shop,” Bianco said. “Overall, we had a
great time exploring the collection, and
the eager and interested attendees only
made the evening more fun!”
For those who were unable to attend in
person, the mini tours were also shown
live on Periscope, with approximately 300
people viewing the tours remotely. The
Museum hopes to offer similar events in
the future to continue to engage younger
audiences with its collection, exhibits and
Museum Hack guides Zak Martellucci and
Anna Bianco prepare for the event.
Sep 7
Lunch and Learn: Author Haley Sweetland Edwards on Shadow Courts: The Tribunals That Rule Global Trade. Talk followed
by Q&A and book signing. 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. $5 includes Museum admission; members and students free.
Sep 17, Walking Tour: History of Wall Street. 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. $15 includes Museum admission.
Oct 5, 8
Oct 5
Lunch and Learn: Michael van Biema on Concentrated Investing: Strategies of the World’s Greatest Concentrated Value Investors.
Talk followed by Q&A and book signing. 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. $5 includes Museum admission; members and students free.
Oct 11 Lunch and Learn: Joe Jordan on Robert Benmosche and his book, Good for the Money: My Fight to Pay Back America.
Talk followed by Q&A and book signing. 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. $5 includes Museum admission; members and students free.
6th Annual Wall Street Collectors Bourse. Free and open to the public. For information, visit:
Oct 21 Lunch and Learn: Leonard Zax, president of the Hamilton Partnership, on “Hamilton in Paterson: America’s First Tech
Incubator.” 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Free admission.
Oct 27 Evening Lecture Series: “Your Vote. Your Money.” Fireside chat with Strategas Chairman and CEO Jason Trennert followed
by panel discussion highlighting the impact of the election on the markets and investor sentiment as viewed through
macro analysis and data analytics. Program followed by Q&A and reception. 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Admission $25; members
and students free.
Oct 29 Annual Great Crashes Walking Tour. 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. $15 includes Museum admission.
For more information or to register online, visit
SEP 11
Alexander Hamilton is
sworn in as the nation’s first
Secretary of the Treasury.
8 FINANCIAL HISTORY | Summer 2016 |
SEP 24
Wall Street’s first “Black Friday.” After word leaks
that speculator Jay Gould, who was trying to
“corner” the gold market, had sold out two days
earlier, gold — and stock — prices plummet.