Financial History Issue 118 (Summer 2016) | Page 6

THE TICKER  MUSEUM NEWS 2016 Developments and Opportunities Welcome to the first all-digital edition of Financial History magazine. I have previously detailed our decision to move in this direction, and while it was not an easy one, one immediate benefit is that you are now looking at full-color editions for every issue. As we move towards the fall we start to prepare for our main fundraiser — our annual gala. We continue to attract high- admission to the Museum free, so that all visitors can see the value of finance to building our nation’s economy. We know that when we consistently offer free days, it increases the number of visitors dramatically. Our $8 admission price, despite being modest, is a barrier to entry for many. And given our revenue challenges, offering free days without funding has not been possible. Anthony reflected on this and, starting in 2017, his firm will underwrite one free admission day of the week. Moreover, he David J. Cowen  |  President and CEO is assisting us in identifying other firms and individuals level honorees and have done so again for who may be interested in following his our 2017 Whitehead Award for Distinlead. Please let me know if your firm guished Public Service and Financial Leadwould like to join Skybridge in underwritership. Larry Summers, former Secretary ing one free admission day of the week. of the Treasury, has graciously accepted to We recently learned that Chuck Royce receive this award, and we look forward to of The Royce Funds will again underwrite honoring him in January. Larry joins our a project for the Museum. Building upon previous winners of Robert Rubin, David the success of the Genealogy of American Rubenstein, Duncan Niederauer, William Finance book, Chuck will underwrite a secHarrison, Felix Rohaytn, Pete Peterson, ond research project pertaining to the hisWilliam Donaldson, Paul Volcker and the tory of financial firms. The project, entitled late John Whitehead, for whom the award “Where are they now? The Ford IPO: Bankwas named. At our most recent gala we ing Consolidation in the 20th Century,” also instituted a new Financial Innovation will explore what happened to the historic Award, and I am pleased to announce that American underwriting firms of the 20th we will be naming that award after our century. Starting with the 205 firms listed inaugural honoree, Charles Schwab. on the 1956 Ford Motor Company IPO I am also excited to announce that our tombstone, we will reconstruct a historical newest Board member is Anthony Scarnarrative of each bank from its origin to its amucci of Skybridge Capital. Although he demise (or its current incarnation). just joined the Board in May, Anthony is The International Federation of Finance already making a significant impact. He is Museums (IFFM) is set for its annual a well-known fund of funds manager and meeting, which will be held this Septemis very passionate about the industry. We ber in Mexico City. Andrea de Cholnoky, explained to Anthony our dream to make the vice chair of our Board, will once again Message to Members AUG 2 1909 The Indian Head cent that was minted from 1859 to 1909 is replaced by the Lincoln cent, making the Indian Head cent a popular collector’s item. 4    FINANCIAL HISTORY  |  Summer 2016  | The Spring edition of the Smithsonian Affiliations newsletter featured a cover story on the “Worth its Weight” exhibit. represent our Museum. Andrea represented us well in 2015 in China, and we look forward to hearing from her about what our friends around the globe are currently working on in terms of exhibits and financial literacy. Lastly, our “Worth Its Weight: Gold from the Ground Up” exhibit continues to garner attention and will be on view through the end of the year. The exhibit was recently featured on the cover of the Smithsonian Affiliations newsletter, The Affiliate, which has wide readership in the museum community. If you have not yet seen this exhibit, I encourage you to do so, as it is our largest and most popular exhibit to date.  AUG 5 1997 The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 becomes Federal law, creating the Roth IRA for middle class Americans to accumulate tax-free savings.