Financial History Issue 127 (Fall 2018) | Page 6

THE TICKER  MUSEUM NEWS MoAF Announces 2019 Gala Honorees It has been a busy year of public pro- grams at the Museum, despite our exhibit gallery remaining closed due to the flood in January. We have hosted 15 events this year—including six programs in our Evening Lecture Series—at outside venues around the city. This has enabled us to expand our audience, as our programs are now more easily accessible to those who live and work in midtown and uptown, in addition to Lower Manhattan. Schwab IMPACT conference in Wash- ington, DC, this October (see article, page 8). Also this fall, we were represented on an international stage at the International Federation of Finance Museums (IFFM) Annual Meeting in Brussels. MoAF Vice Chair Andrea de Cholnoky spoke about our plans for the future, as more than 20 finance museums from around the world discussed “Financial Education: Global Perspectives & Challenges.” As we look towards the future, I am excited to announce that we have secured our 2019 Gala hon- David J. Cowen  |  President and CEO orees, each of whom have made important contribu- tions to the world of finance We were also fortunate to be able to con- and economics. The Whitehead Award for tinue our premier education program—the Distinguished Public Service and Finan- Museum Finance Academy—with sessions cial Leadership will recognize the sig- held on Thursday and Friday afternoons nificant contributions of Dr. Janet Yellen, at our temporary offsite location. More former chair of the Federal Reserve Board than 40 high school students are currently and distinguished fellow in residence at enrolled in this free eight-week personal The Brookings Institution. The Charles finance course, which combines class- Schwab Financial Innovation Award, room instruction with interactive events which recognizes individuals who have and trips. The top performers will receive introduced new markets or new financial partial college scholarships, and we will instruments to our financial system, will announce their names on our website and be presented to Laurence D. Fink, chair- in the next issue of Financial History. man and CEO of BlackRock. We also recently expanded our exhibit The 2019 Gala will be held on February outreach, as we showed more than 40 5 at Cipriani Wall Street. For information highlights from our permanent collection on how you or your firm can participate, in our new travelling exhibit, “Out of the please see We Vault,” which we displayed at the 2018 hope to see many of you there.  Message to Members Top to bottom: Dr. Janet Yellen; Laurence D. Fink; David Cowen (center) with Dan Varley and Matthew Hamilton from BNY Mellon, sponsors of the Museum’s “Out of the Vault” exhibit at the 2018 Schwab IMPACT conference. 4    FINANCIAL HISTORY  |  Fall 2018  |