Financial History Issue 129 (Spring 2019) | Page 36
Certificate for preferred stock in the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, issued to J.S. Bache, 1886.
John E. Leslie, who had been with Bache
since 1955, became chairman of the exec-
utive committee, succeeding George
Weiss. Weiss, who had been with Bache
& Co. since 1928 and a partner since
1937, became vice chairman. Harry A.
Jacobs, Jr. became president. In 1969, Les-
lie was named chairman and Weiss was
named honorary chairman. The following
year, Leslie was also made chief executive
A native of Austria, John E. Leslie
immigrated to the United States in 1938.
Trained as a lawyer and a graduate of
the University of Vienna, Leslie gradu-
ated from Columbia University’s business
school, where he studied accounting. He
joined Bache & Co. in 1954 and became
a general partner in 1955. In 1970, during
Leslie’s tenure, the firm ran into finan-
cial difficulties. According to The New
York Times, Leslie “declined to comment
on Bache’s loss, but he did say, ‘I think
an appropriate increase in the rate of
commission is absolutely essential. This
is true for the entire industry, not just for
Bache. It is in the public interest.’”
In a letter to the firm’s employees and
stockholders, Leslie “attributed the lack
of earnings mainly to ‘the tremendous
increase in costs, wages, prices, automa-
tion, rent etc.’” He also blamed low com-
mission rates, shortened trading hours
and reduced trading volume. He stated,
“For a while…this unbelievable situation
was overshadowed by unusually heavy
volume. Now the volume has come down
and stock prices are lower and the conse-
quences have become crystal clear.”
Despite these challenges, Bache & Co.
changed with the times and even expanded
in the early 1970s. In 1971, Bache & Co.
became “the second publicly listed securi-
ties company in the country,” after Mer-
rill Lynch. Two years later, Bache & Co.
bought the firm of Halsey, Stuart & Co.,
Inc. Leslie stated that the merger gave
“the firm Bache’s existing experience with
34 FINANCIAL HISTORY | Spring 2019 |
individual investors, and Halsey’s experi-
ence with institutional and investment
banking.” Founded in 1916, Halsey Stuart
& Co. was the result of Harold L. Stu-
art’s acquisition of “the Chicago office of
the 15-year-old investment firm of N.W.
Halsey & Co., Inc.” It became known by
1970 as “a specialist in the management
and marketing almost exclusively of debt
securities.” In 1974, the firm created a
holding company for the securities firms
called Bache Group Inc.
Bache Group Inc. (f. 1974, New York)
Bache Halsey Stuart (f. 1975, New York)
Bache Halsey-Stuart Shields
(f. 1977, New York)
In 1975, the Bache Group Inc. merged its
brokerage subsidiaries Bache & Co. and
Halsey Stuart & Co. into Bache Halsey
Stuart. In 1977, the Bache Group Inc.
merged with Shields Model Roland Inc.