Financial History Issue 129 (Spring 2019) | Page 38

TRIVIA QUIZ HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT FINANCIAL HISTORY?  1. What panic was known as the “First Great Depression” in the United States?  2. Who was the first Chinese-American to lead a Dow Jones industrials company?  3. In what year was the nation’s first income tax established?  4. What Swiss immigrant served as US Secretary of the Treasury for 12 years in the early 19th century?  5. Which US President was financially ruined by the Panic of 1819?  6. What congressman, Secretary of the Treasury and senator authored or co-authored some of the most important financial legislation in American history, including the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934?  7. What founder of the Federal Reserve was nicknamed “Doc” because he held a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard?  8. How many underwriting firms are listed on the famous 1956 Ford Motor Company IPO tombstone?  9. David Rockefeller, son of John D. Rockefeller, was the Chairman and CEO of which bank? 36    FINANCIAL HISTORY  |  Spring 2019  | 1. The Panic of 1819 2. Gerald Tsai 3. 1861  4. Albert Gallatin 5. Thomas Jefferson  6. Carter Glass 7. Abram Piatt Andrew  8. 205 9. Chase Manhattan 10. Bankers Trust 10. What New York-based bank did Deutsche Bank acquire in 1998?