Financial History Issue 130 (Summer 2019) | Page 6

THE TICKER  MUSEUM NEWS Collaborations and Partnerships Bring MoAF Library and Collection Outside New York This summer, our Board and staff have focused on innovative ways to bring our programming and collections to the public while we continue to look for a more per- manent home. One exciting development is that our library collection will soon be on global headquarters in Chicago, as they have repurposed one of their floors into an area that includes historical displays. The display—presented in collaboration with the Museum of Science and Indus- try, Chicago—highlights the city of Chi- cago’s financial history along with objects representing the evolution of financial technology. David J. Cowen  |  President and CEO We will also be install- ing at Paypal’s New York City and San Jose headquar- loan to the American Institute of Economic ters the electronic version of our exhibit, Research (AIER), which has a state-of-the- “America in Circulation: A History of art climate controlled library at their 100- US Currency Featuring the Collection of acre facility in Great Barrington, MA. We Mark Shenkman,” which was on display at will be moving our roughly 10,000 volume the Museum from 2015–2018. This exhibit library there this summer, where AIER will is also available online at fully catalogue it and make it accessible The summer session of our MFA Boot to scholars. The library will be on loan to Camp, a new edition to our educational AIER for an initial period of five years, programming in 2019, ran from August beginning this month. 5–8 at 25 Broadway in New York. We will Also this summer, we loaned several also offer two sessions of the Museum objects for display at Citadel Securities’ Finance Academy (MFA) in the fall, on Message to Members Wednesdays and Thursdays after school from September 25 through November 14. This year, we will award two MFA schol- arships to the top achievers, with the first place recipient earning $5k and the second place recipient earning $2.5k. Our fall events line-up is also taking shape, and as you can see on page five, we have scheduled four Evening Lecture Series events: a panel event on “Corpo- rate Sustainability” (Sept 19), James Grant (Sept 25—see article, page 32), Joe Ricketts (Nov 6) and a film screening of “In Money We Trust?,” followed by a fireside chat with Steve Forbes (Nov 11). Our Lunch & Learn Series will feature programs with author Shennette Garrett-Scott (Oct 23— see article, page 20) and former New York Times reporter Ralph Blumenthal (Oct 29). As always, MoAF members receive free admission to Museum events, plus one free walking tour per year. We hope to see you there.  At Citadel Securities’ global headquarters in Chicago, the Museum of American Finance is currently exhibiting artifacts from its collection in collaboration with the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. The display highlights the city of Chicago’s financial history along with objects representing the evolution of financial technology. 4    FINANCIAL HISTORY  |  Summer 2019  |