Museum Hosts Evening Program:
“Corporate Sustainability: Is it Sustainable?”
By Mindy Ross,
Director of External Relations
On September 19, the Museum hosted
an evening program featuring some of the
leaders in sustainability from the financial
and policy perspectives. Co-sponsored by
BNP Paribas and Moody’s, the program
was attended by a diverse and engaged
group of close to 200 Museum mem-
bers, invited guests and members of the
press. In his opening remarks, Museum
President David Cowen noted, “Sustain-
ability is no longer a fringe issue; investors
now expect to incorporate environmental,
social and governance data—or ESG—
into their decision-making. It has moved
beyond what impacts financial perfor-
mance to what constitutes responsible
corporate behavior.” Mr. Cowen was
followed by Jean-Yves Fillion, CEO of
BNP Paribas USA & Chairman of CIB
Americas, and Moody’s President & CEO,
Ray McDaniel, both widely recognized for
their leadership in the sustainability field.
The program began with a dynamic
fireside chat between Martin Whittaker,
founding CEO of JUST Capital, in con-
versation with program moderator Emily
Chasan, Sustainable Finance Editor at
Bloomberg News. Mr. Whittaker empha-
sized the underlying premise of JUST
Capital, that business and capitalism must
be a positive force for change. He stressed
that if people have the “right” informa-
tion, they will buy from, invest in, work
for and support companies that align with
their values. Ms. Chasan transitioned to
the panel discussion, furthering the the-
matic question of: “What is capitalism,
and how does sustainability fit in?”
The highly-engaging panelists included
Lynn Good, Chairman, President & CEO
of Duke Energy; Dr. Barbara Porco, Direc-
tor, Center for Professional Practices &
Chair of Fordham’s SASB Collaboration
Governance Board; and Satya Tripathi,
UN Assistant Secretary-General and Head
of the New York Office at UN Envi-
ronment. Discussion highlights included
how to accurately measure and account
for sustainability, how to incentivize sus-
tainable behavior in corporations and
what constitutes “material” commitments
and actions. There was a lively debate on
the ideal balance between shareholder
and stakeholder priorities. Mr. Tripathi
warned the audience that a heightened
focus on private profits can risk creating
public losses.
Audience questions related to energy
efficiency standards, reducing carbon foot-
prints and how to reward corporations
taking leadership roles in sustainability. A
cocktail reception followed including all of
the program participants. Social media cov-
erage, including a photo library, is available
across the Museum’s social media chan-
nels (@FinanceMuseum) with the hashtag
#ESGpanel. The program was held in part-
nership with Fordham University Gabelli
Center for Global Security Analysis.
Clockwise from top left: Opening Remarks by Jean-Yves Fillion, CEO,
BNP Paribas USA & Chairman of CIB Americas; Introduction to Program
by Raymond McDaniel, President & CEO, Moody’s; Martin Whittaker, CEO,
JUST Capital in Fireside Chat with Emily Chasan, Sustainable Finance Editor,
Bloomberg News; Panel Discussion moderated by Emily Chasan with (from
left): Lynn Good, President & CEO, Duke Energy; Dr. Barbara Porco, Director,
Center for Professional Practices & Chair, Fordham SASB Collaboration
Governance Board; and Satya S. Tripathi, UN Assistant Secretary-General
and Head of NY Office of UN Environment. | Fall 2019 | FINANCIAL HISTORY 5