Financial History 150 Summer 2024 | Page 8


MoAF Hosts In-Person Panel Discussion on “ AI and Finance : Can We Learn to Love the Bot ?”

By Mindy Ross , Director of External Relations
On June 11 , the Museum of American Finance presented “ AI and Finance : Can We Learn to Love the Bot ?” at the NYC headquarters of Betterment , the co-sponsor of the program . The evening featured a provocative panel discussion on the complex and fast-changing topic of the impact of AI on the delivery of financial services .
Well over 100 individuals from a broad spectrum of backgrounds attended the program . MoAF President and CEO David Cowen and Betterment CEO Sarah Kirshbaum Levy welcomed the audience and introduced the program . The panel discussion followed , moderated by the very dynamic Josh Brown , CNBC commentator and CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management . Panelists included Hema Balasubramanian VP , Strategy and Innovation , Fidelity Center for Applied Technology ( FCAT ); John Mileham , Chief Technology Officer , Betterment ; and Jeremy Olshan , Personal Finance Bureau Chief , The Wall Street Journal .
Josh Brown opened the discussion with the results of the pre-event audience poll on AI . Highlights of the poll indicated most respondents were very curious about AI , but reported they used AI-driven services very infrequently . They overwhelmingly believed AI will be significant in their own job within the next 10 years , but less than one-third believed it will replace them at work . Finally , while respondents favored human financial advisors , they were very accepting of pairing AI and investing apps with those advisors .
The panelists expanded on the current , impending and future applications of generative AI in both finance and our everyday lives . They highlighted specific examples of AI tools becoming increasingly valuable sources of efficiency for financial advisors and , ultimately , providing the same to investors . A conclusion was that AI is not a product , but a complement and major enhancement to various industries , including financial services .
The video of this program will be available on the Museum ’ s website at www . moaf . org / videos .
“ AI and Finance ” participants . Back row ( L to R ): Sarah Kirshbaum Levy and David Cowen . Front row ( L to R ): Josh Brown , Jeremy Olshan , Hema Balasubramanian and John Mileham .
6 FINANCIAL HISTORY | Summer 2024 | www . MoAF . org