Financial History 150 Summer 2024 | Page 9


Five High School Students Awarded Spring 2024 MFA Merit Scholarships

The Museum is proud to announce that five outstanding students have received Museum Finance Academy ( MFA ) merit scholarships for the Spring 2024 semester . The MFA is a free five-session personal finance certificate course for 11th and 12th graders with the goal of teaching students to aspire to financial independence through developing an appreciation for savings , establishing financial goals and learning to avoid scams . The Museum offered this national program in two time zones to reach students across the country .
Melvin Joseph , an 18-year-old senior at Milton Academy in Massachusetts , received the top scholarship award of $ 1,000 . In the fall , he will continue his studies at the University of Notre Dame . Melvin is particularly interested in social finance , which aims to allocate private investment toward social and environmental needs .
The other four top achievers received scholarships of $ 500 each . They include Lourdes Kretsula , a 17-year-old junior at Stuyvesant High School in New York , who is interested in entrepreneurship and plans to study business in college ; Pagny
Doll , a 16-year-old junior at Stuyvesant High School , who aspires to be an astrophysicist ; Rebecca Barsegyan , a 17-yearold senior at Stuyvesant High School , who is interested in a career in medicine ; and Elijah Alvarez , an 18-year-old senior at Everett High School in Washington State who is currently pursuing his Fire Science AAST and plans to become a fireman and paramedic in his local community .
The Museum is extremely proud of all the students who successfully completed the Spring 2024 MFA and earned their certificates in personal finance .
Left to right , from top : The Museum is proud to announce that Melvin Joseph , Lourdes Kretsula , Pagny Doll , Rebecca Barsegyan and Elijah Alvarez have earned merit scholarships as top achievers in the Spring 2024 semester of the Museum Finance Academy .
www . MoAF . org | Summer 2024 | FINANCIAL HISTORY 7